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●Paper: etranger di costarica / Ivory colored paper 
●pencil: rotring tikky 0.5


●Engine: Tyrano Builder(windows)

●Character: dottable(ipad)
●Still pictures: procreate(ipad)
●Others: potipoti(ipad)

iOS の画像 (31).jpg

1st work: Hotel Sunny Side Up
Working time: 1 hour for conception, half a day for drawing, and 1 day for incorporation


This is the first game I made with a light heart, thinking it would be nice to talk and spend time with my favorite characters! I made a really fun novel game at !!!! I love games and anime that have a variety of characters with different skeletons and appearances, so I'm glad I was able to create something like that!

iOS の画像 (27).jpg
iOS の画像 (28).jpg

2nd work: BAKE MEN
Duration: 1 day for conception, 2 days for drawing, 1.5 days for incorporation

I'm glad I did this one, because I really like the situation where the characters from the first one show up for a bit in the second one! The new technical aspects we tried were: 1) clickable map (you can press the illustration on the screen), 2) resizing the message window, and 3) it's fun to add an afterthought!

iOS の画像 (33).jpg
iOS の画像 (30).jpg
iOS の画像 (29).jpg

3rd work: Work and Chill

There had been no background music and it was quiet and unsatisfactory, so I added a sound source for the first time.
I synthesized short audio data of various insect sounds into a chorus using After Effects, and created a GIF animation as my first attempt. The number of layers just became endless!

iOS の画像 (34).jpg

4th work: EGG KNOCK

This is a compilation of all the functions I have used so far, including background music, GIF movies, clickable maps, branching buttons, and more.
I think the balance of the game's difficulty was achieved very well. You can play without thinking, and if you want to solve puzzles, you can think.
I was happy to be able to provide three end cards with a story.


I want to release it someday. Memo scribbles. and if you want to solve puzzles, you can think.
I was happy to be able to provide three end cards with a story.

★The story of the continuation of the Monster Department Store.
★The Mad Scientist's Dog.



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7th work: UBER ECSTASY


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iOS の画像 (22).jpg
iOS の画像 (23).jpg
iOS の画像 (24).jpg
iOS の画像 (25).jpg
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